Services offered by Innova Automatización

We ensure a high quality design.

Automatization and Industrial Robotics

At Innova Automatización we provide automation services and industrial robotics to industrial companies in sectors like, an example of a wide range of sectors, the automotive one. We have developed programming proyects for Robert Bosch globally for their automotive sector production lines.

We also have qualified personnel capable of industrial and collaborative robotics programming, which includes; quality control, handling, boxing and palletizing using robot brands such us FANUC, EPSON and Staübli.

Our experience in industry make us approach any possible related proyect.


At Innova Automatización we have knowledge of a wide range of robots.
In most of the projects we realise we have to develop functionality of one of the robots shown below.


Any robot is the best solution to repetitive tasks.
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At Innova Automatización we have high experience with this brand of robot, no matter which model is.
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This colaborative robots are form by 6 axis, and are safe, flexible and easy to use.
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Application Development

By virtue of having a multiskilled team, we have been able to approach a variety of projects, in some of them, it was necessary a desktop application development implementing diverse functionalities and using different programming languages.

Our recent example is the use of the language .NET, adapting it to industry, can return high quality applications and a wide range of possibilities with data management and automata operation.


This application was develop to obtain data readed from various devices simultaneously, using COM wire, then, show this data in the screen, graph this data accordingly to the users neccesities and also, save this obtained data.


We adapt the development of the projects to our clients, making sure every project adapt to our client expectations and necessities.
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Our expert team works closely with clients across diverse industries to design, implement and maintain systems that optimize production, improve quality and reduce operating costs.
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Electrical Cabinets Assembly

We have an extend experience developing electrical cabinets for automotive sector. Some of the proyects we can deal with are:

  • Medium voltage installation
  • Low voltage installatio
  • Design and Diseño y manufacturing of electrical cabinets and electrical protection.

Of course, looking for the most efficiency possible, optimizing resources and lowering the commissioning time of the installation for our client factories.

Our electrical team, also, has manufactured electrical panels and commissioning in industrial factories worldwide.

Facilities Maintenance

Our services also include industrial maintenance of the electrical installations of the companies, both the ones developed and installed by us, but also the ones from others providers.

That’s why, at Innova Automatización we maintain electrical installations and manage other companies maintenance plans. We perform task such us:

  • Corrective maintenance.
  • Preventive maintenance.
  • Technicall assistance and fixing industrial machines.

And also, you can contact us to expose any other neccessity out of the catalog. We can inform you about that